Zen Musings with Beverly Biehl

As Featured in Redfin…
Beverly Biehl Beverly Biehl

As Featured in Redfin…

Channel Positive Energy into Small Spaces: Experts Share 18 Ways to Improve the Energy in Your Home

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The Feng Shui of Sleep
Beverly Biehl Beverly Biehl

The Feng Shui of Sleep

The recent time change gave me all the feels…A full moon, the end of Mercury Retrograde, 3 other planets just starting their retrogrades, and the unsettling reality of a pandemic thwarting our normal routines and making us all “physically distance” has made for a mind that doesn’t want to turn off at night. How do I still manage to get some proper REM sleep? Here are my go-to’s for using Feng Shui to create a space for total rest:

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Decorate Like You MEAN It!
Beverly Biehl Beverly Biehl

Decorate Like You MEAN It!

I can’t count how many times I have gone to a store, an auction, or even a garage sale and picked up something because I just HAD to, it was SUCH a good price, or simply felt like SPENDING some money. Once the new treasure was back home, the thrill of the hunt had worn off and I found my purchase adding a new source of frustration to my already cluttered environment. These are not just THINGS that you are adding to your home (or office).

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